Bombay Corner was started by husband and wife team, Shabnam & Asif. Asif is a Certified Chartered Accountant by profession and a chef by passion. Shabnam is an accountant with a background in operations.
“We grew up eating the tastiest and freshest street foods that were sold alongside the bustling streets of Bombay. Since we moved to the London, we’ve found it frustrating and difficult to find that same authentic taste”.
Because of this, Asif learned to replicate his Bombay street food favourites and Shabnam took the role of tasting. They decided to share their love and knowledge of the most flavoursome Bombay street food and created Bombay Corner. A restaurant where people are invited to come and discover these wonderful original flavours and colours without travelling to India! Bombay Corner are proud to bring you the most authentic Indian street food that you’ll find in London.